Testing 4 Trees
Living and working where we do here in Canada acts as wonderful reminder about the beauty and magnificence of our planet, and this has inspired a deep love and appreciation for nature. We are very aware of how each of us carries the responsibility to value, respect and take care of our natural world. With this in mind we wanted to give something back, and so we came up with the concept of Testing 4 Trees.
We did some research into organizations around the world that offered tree planting schemes. We found that Switch2Zero offered the best solution. We liked the fact that they funded a wide range of reforestation projects in multiple locations around the world. Their current reforestation projects include locations in Africa, Asia, and South America, and are improving communities and also sequestering CO2 in the long term.
Rather than just donating a percentage of profits we wanted a way to include our clients in the scheme too. So, we came up with the idea of planting a tree for QA hours used. That basically means; for each hour our Testers work on a client’s project, we promise to purchase a tree to be planted. Then at the end of every quarter, we reach out to our clients with details of how many trees have been planted in their honour.
Despite having only recently started this scheme, the feedback from our clients has been phenomenal. Thanks to the new Testing 4 Trees scheme, hundreds of trees have already been planted and we are excited to think about what can be achieved in the future, and the contribution we can make to the planet, even if it is just in a very small way. Tree planting is about paying something forward for the future. Every tree planted has an average lifetime carbon capture of 0.2 tonnes of CO₂
Based on the incredible feedback we have received so far, we are now looking to expand the scheme to include other initiatives in the future. More information regarding the Testing 4 Trees scheme can be found on our Helping Our Planet page on the Testing4Success.com website.
Tag:canada, co2, switch2zero, testing 4 trees